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Name:   Chenyang Zhou                                                                                  Date: 29/09/2022

Personal Tutor: Lothar Goetz


My idea for this year's project is to return to my true self. I want to express my own heart in a way that belongs to me, because my own psychological problems make me have to pay attention to myself. Nowadays, the problem of mental illness and social problems in the society is gradually serious. I think it is time to pay attention to these problems. I hope that my works this year can resonate with more people who have the same problems as me. Right now my idea is just taking shape, I still need time to deepen and think. I need to know more about modern and historical artists and classic cases with psychological problems.

I think Yayoi Kusama is a good example. Her works have many styles and art theories, of which Infinity Theory is the one she uses a lot. I think this art theory can help me express it very well. The second is abstract art. I think many artists of abstract art and impressionism have many similarities. I like Joan Miró and Van Gogh very much. I think their works have had a great influence on me to some extent. And I think it's interesting to think about things from their point of view, which can help me come up with more new works.
Critical Evaluation (Analyses and critique of work):

In this regard, I think it is very interesting to go deep into a person's inner world and thoughts, such as some bizarre thoughts, or scary ones. I will try to record and express these things as much as possible to help me.                                  
Professional Practice (Establishing a self–directed studio practice):

spend in the studio 30h

Library 5h

gallery visits 5h

Researching 15h

1 individual and group tutorials per week

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